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The Major Effects Hormonal Imbalance Can Have on Your Well-Being

The Major Effects Hormonal Imbalance Can Have on Your Well-Being

Hormones are chemical messengers in your body responsible for many processes and the optimal functioning of your body. Your body contains more than 50 hormones coursing through it and carrying messages between its organs and tissues. 

When there's an imbalance in your hormones, it can significantly impact your general well-being. An imbalance occurs when you have too little or too much of a specific hormone traveling through your body. 

A range of factors can cause a hormonal imbalance. Hormonal disorders are a common culprit. At Optimum Endocrine Care in Calumet Heights, Chicago, and Munster, Indiana, Dr. Nidal Hasan and his team specialize in the comprehensive treatment of hormonal disorders, including personalized hormone replacement therapy (HRT).

Dr. Hasan recognizes that hormonal imbalances can significantly affect several aspects of your daily functioning, which is why he's dedicated to helping you find the root cause of your imbalance and offering long-term treatments.

First, let's look at the significant effects of a hormonal imbalance on your well-being.

Reduced sexual desire 

Hormonal imbalances commonly affect your sex drive. Men who have low testosterone levels often report experiencing reduced sexual desire. Women who have deficient levels of testosterone may also observe lower libido. 

Unusual weight gain or weight loss 

People experience hormonal imbalances in different ways. While some people might undergo unusual weight gain, others might undergo unusual weight loss. However, hormonal imbalances have been more commonly linked with weight gain. 

Frequent mood swings 

It's expected to encounter occasional shifts in your mood. However, if you observe significant changes in your mood, it may be caused by a hormonal imbalance. An excellent example of how hormones can affect your mood can be observed in women with premenstrual symptoms such as mood swings or irritability. 

Becoming easily fatigued 

One of the most telling signs of a hormonal imbalance is fatigue or low energy levels. You may feel exhausted and burnt out if you have higher than typical cortisol levels (the stress hormone). 

How to manage a hormonal imbalance

The first step to managing hormonal imbalance is recognizing the signs. Common signs that your hormones are not acting as they should include: 

If the above signs are familiar, consult Dr. Nidal Hasan. He'll be able to determine the underlying issue of your hormonal imbalance and work with you to choose the most effective treatment. 

Treatment options for a hormonal imbalance first depend on the trigger. For instance, Dr. Hasan will likely recommend a personalized hormone replacement therapy regimen if it's a hormonal disorder. 

Making specific lifestyle changes, such as maintaining a healthy and nutritious diet and exercising regularly, also go a long way in helping you manage a hormonal imbalance. 

If you suspect you have a hormonal imbalance, book an appointment with us online or call 219-732-2231. Let's help you uncover the underlying cause of your imbalance and get long-lasting treatment. 

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